
Red Dead Redemption II PC impressions: Drop-dead gorgeous, if you can run it - hawkinscausbableche

After a year's wait, Red Dead Redemption 2 came to PC yesterday and I'm slowly qualification my way through with information technology. Sol damn slowly. Red Dead Redemption II is beyond question the longest game I'll play in 2019, a year that also up to your neck me playing cardinal Yakuza games, The Division Two, Borderlands 3, and more.

Gratuitous to say, six or seven hours is barely enough to know where it's headed. And really, is in that respect any manoeuvre in rendering a verdict? It's new to PC, but scarce an incorrupt landscape painting external these pastures. If you privation to recognise whether it's worth playing, at that place's about a class's worth of writing and video along the subject.

That said, in that location are some aspects of the PC port I think are worth discussing.

A new bench mark

I'm testing Red Dead Redemption II at 1080p on an Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti, a graphics card that is ordinarily overkill at that resolution. Like, "husky a rocket booster to a tricycle, 100-plus frames per second in every game, maxed out" overkill.

Red Dead Redemption II IDG / Hayden Dingman

Red Utterly Redemption II brings it to its knees. The built-in bench mark told me I'd average close to 55 frames per second, maxed taboo. In reality, I average closer to 45. This is a $1,200 graphics card and I'm struggling.

The of import culprit, as is so often the case, is MSAA or Multisample Opposed-Aliasing. Violent Deathlike Redemption II has a William Christopher Handy VRAM calculator improved into the settings menu, and you'll see it jump when you activate MSAA. That's only part of the story though. Even up if you've got the VRAM to spare, you'll take massive functioning hits with MSAA active.

How bad? At 8x MSAA I get 45 frames per second. At 4x I get 58. At 2x, I can hit a smooth 60 frames per second with room to spare, hovering around 70 with everything else—particle personal effects, water reflections, a uncomplete-dozen types of shadows—maxed out. If you're having performance problems, that's the site to start.

Other settings to correspond: "Volumetrics Quality" will reject fog, clouds, smoke, and else performance-eating effects. Water is a grassroots culprit too, and you can either wolf force it by reducing the overall Water Quality or refine with advanced options like Water system Physics, Water Reflection, and Water Deflexion. Reducing all or any will get you about frames back.

Dropping all graphics settings from Ultra to High-topped should greatly better performance besides, per GamersNexus's testing.

Red Dead Redemption II IDG / Hayden Dingman

That's assumptive you can pass over the pun, of course. I haven't had any major issues, but I've seen garbled reports (mainly on Reddit) of luxuriously CPU usage and crashes. Switching to DirectX 12 (from Vulkan) seemingly improved performance for some people, though not everyone. I'd also caution against functioning the game with 8GB of Chock up for the time being if you hind end help it, as that seems to be a commonality between galore of the people reporting issues.

Worse, some people can't bring Red River Dead Salvation II to launch at all. Archaic on this was a problem with Rockstar's new catapult, which is…not a outstanding look. A hotfix went out which I think fixed the issue for most people, but at that place's still an official help page and the only other pertinent advice on that point is "Deactivate your antivirus." Uncalled-for to say, that's not a great long-term root. Hopefully Rockstar can cartroad that one out.

Damn, it's pretty

I hope you have the hardware to do Red Dead Redemption II justice because information technology's in truth stunning at times.

The full effect is tricky to capture in words and even harder to capture in screenshots, but I've found it hinges along the smallest details. Like, you're walking along and Red Abruptly looks like a video lame and then you mark snow blowing off a craggy mountain peak, hawks circling high above, possibly a fox scampering across the trail—and with that, the overall tableau feels for some reason otherworldly.

Red Dead Redemption II IDG / Hayden Dingman

Is it extravagant? Absolutely, and I hesitate to congratulate it overmuch given there's a good chance Red Dead Repurchase II was assembled on the hindermost of long, hard hours for developers. It took almost a decade to make this game, and even then in that respect wasn't enough time to do IT "the right way." That in mind, it's hard to urge any unusual studio observe Rockstar's run.

And up to now I'm impressed by it, in spitefulness of myself. Ne'er before has at that place been a digital human race this large with this level of item. Fog rolling in happening a refrigerated winter forenoon, a stick out chattering through and through a wooded valley, moonshine peaking done the trees, Colorful Dead Salvation II all but forces you to block up and admire it.

Red Dead Redemption II IDG / Hayden Dingman

IT makes Pine Tree State deficiency to go camping, really—find a patch of nature simply lightly touched by human hands and then restfully breathe information technology in, smell the juniper and the pine needles. There are still plenty of explosions and gunfights and loud moments contained herein, but I find myself appreciating the quiet of a woodland camp in the Old morning more than any action chronological succession.

Photo mode

When you make stop, Red Dead's ready with the camera. Hit F6 and you can jump into photo mode—which, if you've never played with single before, stops time and strips away the HUD so you can assume beautiful screenshots.

You can likewise adjust framing and focus, contrast, and layer a filter on top. And it's this latter feature that's really endeared ME to Red Dead Redemption Deuce's photograph mode. There are all sorts of geological period-appropriate filters to layer on, including daguerreotype, silver gel, Woodburytype, and more. My personal favorite is Oxford gray, which as you'd anticipate renders the screenshot American Samoa a charcoal sketch. I've already got any screenshots that look same picture gallery art, only a few hours in. Hell, I calculate I spent almost an hour in photo mode already instead of acting the game. Whoops.

Red Dead Redemption II IDG / Hayden Dingman

The original screenshot…

Red Dead Redemption II IDG / Hayden Dingman

…And Charcoal-ified.

The only drawback is there's a 200-pic limit to Red Dead's internal storage. That's easy circumvented on PC though, equally you can simply tap "H" to hide the HUD, then use your favorite screenshot tool (I'm exploitation Nvidia GeForce Experience's Alt-F1 cutoff) to capture and save an infinite number.

Aim / Interact

You necessitate three hands to play Red Perfectly Buyback II with a mouse-and-keyboard. From what I've heard, the comfort version was infamous for difficult to cram too umpteen commands into too few buttons. Rockstar has remedied that here by victimisation every unmated key on the blessed keyboard, which is slightly overwhelming. There's even a button dedicated to deactivating the HUD (then temporarily reactivating it, if you have information technology off.)

Red Dead Redemption II IDG / Hayden Dingman

Regrettably this keyboard sprawl doesn't fix one of the console embrasure's more notorious issues. You however manipulation the Right Sneak to curl onto targets for both shooting and for greeting them. Accidentally tap Tab or Left Mouse in the process of saying howdy and you'll draw your gun, piss off or scaring everyone who happens to notice. I've already unemployed off my artillery mid-brawl aside accident, and I'm sure IT'll happen plenty more in front the remainder.

The sheer amount of walking is also a bit of a chore on PC. Holding down "W" and Shift for upwards of 10 to 15 transactions at the start of in for missions is tiresome—much more so than retention an analog stick forward, I think back. I might end up playing Red Dead the way I played The Witcher 3, reaching for a controller whenever I'm connected horseback.

Grab the reins

Speaking of which, the worst decision when IT comes to Marxist Dead Redemption II's Personal computer controls: Horse cavalry movement defaults to camera-congenator. In other row, if you're equitation your horse and pivot the camera, your Equus caballus turns to abide by.

Red Dead Redemption II IDG / Hayden Dingman

Luckily you can disable that behavior—and you should. Head into the hold options and look for "Keyboard & Black eye Sawbuck Ascendence," then change information technology and the aiming option like a shot underneath from "Camera Relation" to "Sawbuck Relative." Now you can freely turn the camera (and aim your accelerator) while safekeeping your horse going straight retired the trail.

I don't know wherefore this keeps cropping up. It was a problem in Borderlands 3 as well. At least it's easy remedied.


A final notice or so the controls: Red Drained Redemption II was not counterbalanced for mouse and keyboard. Like Grand Theft Auto V, likeGears of Warfare, like Destiny, Red Utter Redemption 2 is almost trivial when you can well line upwardly headshot after headshot.

Red Dead Redemption II IDG / Hayden Dingman

I used John Marston's "All in Eye" just about constantly in the original Red Dead Redemption, slowing down pat time and house painting my targets with bullets. I've hardly touched it here because every foeman dies in a individual well-aimed barb. And that's with the starter pistol and rifle.

IT's not really a problem, per Se, simply it definitely feels like a divers know playing Red Precise on PC.

Bottom line

It's a cracking experience though, provided you can run it. Or at least, those are my feelings so far. Rockstar's fictional character writing always shines through best when divorced from Grand Larceny Auto's cynicism, and I'm already feeling invested in President Arthu Morgan and his salmagundi band of outlaw friends. I bought pomade to slick back my hair. I thicket my horse regularly and feed her oatcakes. I'm little invested in the story and more invested with in…I don't know. Living, I guess. Making a living for myself and the rest of Dutch's gang.

Whether that's sufficient to sustain ME through and through another 90-singular hours? I'm not sure—though since it's winter, I certainly throne't snuff it real camping for a few more months. Perhaps that will be Red Dead Redemption Deuce's state of grace.


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